Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of public

08/11/13 22:41:27 (12 years ago)



  • public

    v4 v5  
    1010 * '''[wiki:public/mfp_de Multifunktionsdrucker]:''' Die MBS stellt fünf      Multifunktionsdrucker zur Verfügung, über die sie mit ihrem      Studenten-/Dozentenausweis drucken, kopieren und scannen können.
    1111 * '''Online-Umfragen:''' Die MBS betreibt ein eigenes System zur Durchführung von Online-Umfragen. Um Zugang zu erhalten Schreiben sie      bitte eine E-Mail an Herrn Seidl (__[]__).
     13= [[span(style=color: #FF0000, Quick Reference MBS Academic Network (MAN) )]] =
     14The following system support education at Munich Business School. You have a single password for all systems.
     16 * '''Intranet: '''Main source      of information for students and lecturers. It contains lecture scripts,      timetables, application forms and other supporting information.
     17 * '''Emailing system:''' MBS      provides you with an ''''      email address. Our staff will always only use this address contacting you!
     18 * '''Wi-Fi network:''' The Wi-Fi      network at MBS premises provides Internet access.
     19 * '''PCs: '''during MBS      opening hours you can use the computers in the computer lab, the library      and the Study Center.
     20 * '''Multi-functional printers:''' Five multi-functional printers are provided for printing,      copying, and scanning. You will need your Student / Lecturer ID Card for      using these devices.
     21 * '''Online surveys:''' The      MBS provides a system for conducting online surveys. Please write an email      to Bernhard Seidl (__[]__)      if you need access to this system.